Reach your audience offline.
Don't let your audiences drift away. Keep them updated the traditional way!
Ingenio Creatives and its Software Tech Company partner Dreamers IT Solutions Inc. is thrilled to announce the launch of new SMS Blast software in the Philippines, the SMS ON.
SMS ON will help businesses and individual stakeholders engage and reach more audiences through personalized SMS Campaigns and maintain a cost-effective way to connect in real-time with many mobile phone users. SMS ON is the cheapest and most affordable web-based and mobile app SMS service in the Philippines to date with a minimum of 700.00 pesos, businesses and private individuals can easily and simultaneously send text messages to a maximum of 1,500 mobile contacts with customized sender ID.
With a FREE subscription, users can quickly browse through SMS ON Features:
Mobile App Access— Keep up with your audience on the go. You can bring SMS ON wherever you go.
Easy API Integration— No hassle when it comes to integrating our features. Just an API call and you're all set!
Developer Friendly—Find out what we have and why you need them. Have access to all features you need at the click of your mouse.
User Friendly— Showing you the things you need where you need them to be.
When everyone rushes to the future, let's not forget the old but gold, SMS feature. What better way is there to reach your audience than the good old messaging service? Sign-up now and together let’s reach your audience offline with SMS ON.